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Managing energy connections

Kinesiology means ‘the study of movement’. The term is also used by complementary medicine practitioners to describe a form of therapy that uses muscle monitoring (biofeedback) to look at what may be causing ‘imbalances’ in the body and attempts to relieve these imbalances. The kinesiology approach examines ‘unresolved stress reactions’ in a person and provides techniques intended to help the body’s natural healing process.


How kinesiology developed

Kinesiology stems from chiropractice and applied kinesiology. It is also based on the ancient Chinese acupuncture theory of chi energy. Unlike applied kinesiology, where muscles are tested for strength, the more recently developed forms of kinesiology use muscle monitoring as a form of biofeedback to the subject. 


Evidence of effectiveness of kinesiology

Many nervous system diseases can affect muscle strength. Kinesiology is based on an energy model of health (not a medical one). There is little evidence of the underlying philosophy and claims of benefit. During the first visit to a kinesiology practitioner, ask about their training and qualifications. Do not continue with any practitioner who advises you to abandon your conventional medical treatment, as this should only be done in consultation with your doctor.


How kinesiology works

Kinesiologists claim to be able to use muscle monitoring techniques to access information about a person’s wellbeing and to promote physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.


Techniques used in kinesiology

Some of the techniques available include:

  • acupressure

  • lymphatic massage

  • hypertonic muscle release

  • attention to reflex, trigger and body points

  • remedies, such as flower essences and homeopathics

  • nutritional advice.

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